Feb 1, 2010

Peoples choice brand of cellphones

A latest survey was conducted online on which brand of cellphones are usually used, most popular or shall we say, peoples choice. The number of voters acquired is 1016 who came from 20 countries worldwide. The brands to be voted are: Nokia, Apple, RIM (BlackBerry), Samsung, LG, SonyEricsson and others-brands which are not mentioned. So this is the result:

The results are clear that Samsung, gaining 318 votes, have the upper hand to declare itself as the Peoples choice cell phone based on the survey. Followed by No.2 on the top list is Nokia having 238 votes. On the No.3 spot was taken by Apple trailing with 140 votes and the Celebrity favorite RIM Blackberry landed on the 4rth spot with 98 votes.

Note: Remember guys all have good quality but think first and ask yourself why are you buying this and what will be its main personal use because money cannot be easily earn this day, you will need to strive for it.


Anonymous said...

Good PoSt!