Oct 19, 2009

7 Great Scientific Discoveries in Human History...

1. The Pythagorean Theorem:

- A well known theorem which most of us hear it in our high school grade. A popular formula of a2+b2=c2, where a and b stand for the two short sides and c for the long in a right triangle. This theorem is proved by the Greek Philosopher Pythagoras in the 6th century BC.

2. The existence of microorganisms:

- Discovered by Anton van Leeuwenhoek in late 1600s. When microscopes were new, He scraped some plaque off his own teeth and looked at it through a microscope and found out that it was crawling with “animalcules”.

3. The three laws of motion

- Newton came up and discovered the three laws to explain the motion of all objects in the universe, from runaway trains to orbiting planets. (He also invented differential calculus, explained gravity, and discovered the spectrum--not bad for one lifetime.)

4. The structure of matter:

- In 1789, French chemist Antoine Lavoisier published and came up a list of "elements"—a substances that could not be broken down further by any chemical process. His list was incomplete and contained mistakes but he was into something. With his work, chemists developed our modern view that all matter can be broken down into just 109 elements, that all elements are made up of atoms, and that all atoms are made up of just 3 types of particles--protons, neutrons, and electrons.

5. The circulation of blood:

- Each person has a fixed amount of blood circulating throughout his system in 1 fixed direction. The first discovery in the 12th century by an Arab doctor named Ibn al-Nafis, was rediscovered by the 17th-century English doctor William Harvey. Harvey's work opened the opportunity to research a full understanding of the physiology of living bodies, human and animal.

6. Electrical currents:

- In 19th-century scientists (like Alessandro Volta) got electricity to flow did people become aware of this as a distinct force. Today, electricity powers everything from light bulbs to computers, study lamps, florescent lamps and a lot more. But the discovery of electricity is bigger than its practical applications.

7. The Evolution of Species:

- People used to think that every life form now on Earth was here from the start and that no new species had been born. Charles Darwin's theory of evolution was developed in the 19th century which reveals the dynamic nature of life on Earth. The word "theory" leads to think that evolution itself remains controversial among scientists, but no mainstream scientist doubts that old species die out and new ones arises. It's only the exact mechanism of evolution that remains in play, and modified versions of Darwin's idea of evolution by random natural selection still dominate biological thought.